In an effort to document my family treasures which cannot be scanned in, I am publishing this series of pictures as part of the Treasure Chest Thursday theme at Geneabloggers. Someday in the future, I hope to shed some light on these treasures for my family who might inherit them. What were they for? Who did they come from? Why were they considered treasures? Let’s find out.

Pewter Sceptre

Pewter Dragon Pendant
These two treasures were among my favorite things in High School. I went through a really strong pewter and crystal phase when I was hanging out with the wrong crowd of kids after school. I wore one of these pendants every day during 10th grade and into 11th grade. These pendants saw a lot of sneaky youthful activities and dozens of mosh pits. Oh, the stories they could tell you!
My favorite was the sceptre with the crystal ball for the top. Unfortunately, the reason I stopped wearing it was because the pewter piece that the chain hung around broke off because I wore it out. At that time, I picked up the dragon holding the crystal ball and wore it through the end of my rebellious phase.
I absolutely love these pendants. They are two of my favorite treasures. For me, they symbolize my youth better than most of my treasures do.