Deposition of Hugh Cole at Plymouth Court - March 8, 1670
Hugh Cole is my 9th great-grandfather. He was born 29 Jun 1628 in Barnstaple, Devon, England and died 22 Jan 1699 in Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts.
This article was printed in the Massachusetts Historical Society Collections, Boston MA, 1799: Volume 6, Issue 1, Page 211. It can be also seen on Google Books.
Deposition of Hugh Cole, at Plymouth Court, A. D. 1670
Hugh Cole, aged forty-three, or thereabouts, being deposed saith; – That in February last past before the date hereof, he went to Shewamett, and two Englishmen more with him ; and that their business was to persuade the Indians to go to Plymouth, to answer a complaint made by Hezekiah Luther. The Indians (saith he) seeing us, came out of the house towards us, being many of them ; at the least twenty or thirty, with staves in their hands ; and when the Indians saw there were but three of us, they laid down their staves again. Then we asked the Indians, what they did with those staves in their hands ? they answered, that they looked for Englishmen to come from Plymouth to seek Indians, to carry them to Plymouth. But they said, they were not willing to go. And some time after, in the same morning, Philip, the chief sachem, sent for me to come to him ; and I went to Mount Hope to him ; and when I came to Mount Hope, I saw the most part of the Indians that I knew of Shewamett Indians, there at Mount Hope. And they were generally employed in making of bows and arrows and half pikes, and fixing up of guns. And I saw many Indians of several places repair toward Mount Hope. And some few days after I came from Mount Hope, I, with several others, saw one of captain Willet’s rangers coming on post on horseback, who told us, that king Philip was marched up the neck with about three score men ; and Zacary Eddy, on his report, went to see if he could find them ; and he found them towards the upper part of the neck, in several companies. One Caleb Eddy further saith, that he saw many there in arms ; and I was informed by John Padduck, that he saw two several guns loaded with bullets or slugs. And I further testify, that those Indians that I saw come towards Mount Hope, as aforesaid, came better armed than I usually have seen them, Further saith not.
The oath of Hugh Cole, taken in the court held at Plymouth, the eighth of March, 1670.
Attested by me,
Nathaniel Morton, Secretary.