Treasure Chest Thursday – HFS Beanie Cap and W Letter
November 10th, 2011 by Jessica

HFS Beanie from Diane Dreffs

HFS Beanie from Diane Dreffs

In an effort to document my family treasures which cannot be scanned in, I am publishing this series of pictures as part of the Treasure Chest Thursday theme at Geneabloggers.  Someday in the future, I hope to shed some light on these treasures for my family who might inherit them.  What were they for?  Who did they come from? Why were they considered treasures?  Let’s find out.

This little blue Beanie cap with the initials HFS was worn by my mother, Diane Marie Dreffs, in elementary school as part of her school uniform.  She attended Holy Family School in Saginaw, Michigan in the mid and late 1950’s.  She gave it to me in the year 2000 when I took an interest in the family history.

W Letter from Diane Dreffs

W Letter from Diane Dreffs

It now resides in my closet, preserved safely for her grandchildren.

With it resides her school letter, a single W.  This was worn when she attended Webber Junior High School in Saginaw, Michigan, in the early 1960’s.

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